Categoría: cloudbuster

Well ORGON-ized areas. Orgone up.

How long have you not seen the sky and clouds like this? Videos recorded by us with a simple mobile where the results of correctly orgonizing our area are obvious (orgonites, electronites, cloudbuster… have a limited area of action) with several cloudbusters and hundreds of orgonites and electronites distributed throughout the perimeter. All our orgonites,…

Does aluminum, copper and/or iron attract 5G?

The materials used for the basic orgonites and electronites are exclusively aluminum shavings, quartz inside and polyester resin that with its pressure will make the piezoelectric function of the quartz possible. Orgonites can also use other materials such as iron shavings and cloudbusters, which in summary would be a large orgonite base, incorporate copper tubes…

Orientation, Maintenance and Empowerment of Cloudbusters

Taking into account the weather forecasts that we can check in advance from our phone or specialized pages such as or, basically the cloudbuster depending on our objective to achieve , we can have it oriented in 2 positions: To the east, to clear and when we want to avoid torrential rains, hail……

Graphic distinction between natural clouds, chemically induced and/or with the effects of Haarp.

When we look at the sky without having a reference or a memory of natural clouds, we can confuse our senses into thinking that we see natural clouds when in fact we are seeing clouds induced by chemical chemtrails. Natural clouds are in 3D (3 dimensions). Likewise, on many occasions we observe clouds with strangely…

What are the CloudBuster?

Dr. Wilhelm Reich, the father of orgone energy, after having served in World War I, studied medicine in Austria. He discovered what he called “bions”. These bions were what he thought of as bacteria that killed organisms that gave off radiation, and this is where Orgone was born. Reich moved to America and began his…