Etiqueta: 5G

Does aluminum, copper and/or iron attract 5G?

The materials used for the basic orgonites and electronites are exclusively aluminum shavings, quartz inside and polyester resin that with its pressure will make the piezoelectric function of the quartz possible. Orgonites can also use other materials such as iron shavings and cloudbusters, which in summary would be a large orgonite base, incorporate copper tubes…

Orientation, Maintenance and Empowerment of Cloudbusters

Taking into account the weather forecasts that we can check in advance from our phone or specialized pages such as or, basically the cloudbuster depending on our objective to achieve , we can have it oriented in 2 positions: To the east, to clear and when we want to avoid torrential rains, hail……

The 5G and the oxygen of our cells.

5G operates in the 60GHz spectrum and the absorption frequency of oxygen molecules is 60GHz. Consequently, 98% of the transmitted 5G energy would be absorbed by atmospheric oxygen which then alters the orbital properties of the electrons in the oxygen molecules. Oxygen molecules have electrons that they share with each other, oxygen is a diatomic…