Cloudbuster DELUXE (indoor) 5G PROTECTION

6 reseñas
150.00$ + VAT

Cloudbuster DELUXE (indoor) 5G PROTECTION

  • Recommended for lounges and large rooms.
  • It should not be placed in bedrooms (since it has a lot of Orgonic energy) and its wide radius of action.
  • It gives you 85% protection against 5G.
  • Indoor Cloudbuster DELUXE, 3G, 4G and 5G PROTECTION.
  • With 4 copper tubes of 20 cm and 22 mm. in diameter and in the center of the tubes, to enhance it, it has a diamond pyramid orgonite.
  • Weight 1,200 kg.
  • With a radius of action of 380 meters and a height of 1,000 metres.


The pyramids are found in most ancient cultures around the world, and have served to capture and condense cosmic energy and bring it to earth, especially for environments where many people outside the home circulate, such as businesses, which maintains a gradual and prolonged cleaning.

The extremely powerful Cloudbuster DELUXE WILL PROTECT US FROM 3G, 4G and 5G, completely disable geopathic stress, neutralize electromagnetic radiation and totally protect you.

It is an extremely powerful energy generator, it will clean your space energetically and you will feel revitalized, calm…..

  • Transport costs and VAT will be added to the price.
Cloudbuster DELUXE (indoor) 5G PROTECTION
150.00$ + VAT
*** Legal Disclaimer: Orgonites-electronites, 5G.6G shielding products or any other products made by Orgonitasonline are not designed to treat or cure any disease or health condition, or create any specific change in your health . Cloudbusters of any size or format do not guarantee rain or changes in the weather. Any statement in customer reviews relates only to that person, and the results of using our products will vary from person to person. ***
Cloudbuster DELUXE (indoor) 5G PROTECTION
150.00$ + VAT

Información adicional

Peso 1.200 kg
Dimensiones 14 × 14 × 21 cm
Cloudbuster DELUXE (indoor) 5G PROTECTION
150.00$ + VAT

6 reseñas

5.00 Valoración general

6 out of 6 (100%)
los clientes recomendaron este producto


Silvia Tarragó
Silvia Tarragó
11 de diciembre de 2020

una calidad excepcional….
una generosidad humana única…
a todos mis pacientes y amigos, sin duda, lo recomendaré!!!

18 de diciembre de 2020

Muchas gracias Silvia.
Ha sido un placer

29 de octubre de 2021

Excepcional. Deberia haber uno en cada hogar, negocio.

29 de octubre de 2021

Muchas gracias por su comentario 😊

Vivo en Madrid
Vivo en Madrid
19 de febrero de 2022

Compré en noviembre este cloudbuster junto con la pirámide más grande para ampliar la distancia de acción alrededor de mi domicilio porque en casa ya tengo bastantes orgonitas más pequeñas y tras tres meses de tenerlas puedo afirmar sin ninguna duda que ambos son súper efectivos, no solo para radiaciones (hay 5 antenas en la plaza en la que vivo, he ido preguntando a vecinos y conocidos del barrio sobre posibles efectos porque por las noches aumentan las radiaciones de 3 a 8 de la mañana, comprobado con medidor de radiaciones, y nadie se queja de síntomas ). sino que ayer, que estaban fumigando a tope al mediodía me fijé en que el chemtrail que pasaba casi por encima de mi edificio se deshacía bastante rápido. Vivo en el piso más alto y he puesto la pirámide y el cloudbuster cada uno en un poyete de ventana junto con algunos towerbusters. Tengo la impresión de que cuantas más orgonitas se tienen, más se refuerza la intensidad de acción. Si tuviera balcón o terraza no dudaría en comprar un cloudbuster de tubos largos.

20 de febrero de 2022

Hola vivo en Madrid:
Muchas gracias por su comentario, nos complace enormemente saber las experiencias de nuestros clientes y aún más, saber que gracias a usted, sus vecinos también se ven beneficiados😊

21 de abril de 2022

El servicio y la atención inmejorables, todo en perfecto estado. Volveré a repetir. Muchas gracias!

21 de abril de 2022

Gracias a ti siempre Chus.
Un placer haberle conocido😊

14 de octubre de 2022

Bonjour, je suis en France, je viens de passer ma 1er nuit avec cloudbuster de luxe et je n’ai pas fais de cauchemar 🥳 mais un super rêve ! Pas eu d’insomnie , pas de sueur froide ! Pas d’angoisse !
Je suis très très contente!! Merci pour faire ceci et nous permettre d’aller mieux! Super relationnel également communication très simple ! J’ai déjà repassé une commande 😍

14 de octubre de 2022

Merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire Isabelle, ça nous fait très plaisir de connaître les résultats. Un câlin.


Muchas gracias por su comentario Isabelle, nos hace muy felices el saber de los resultados. Un fuerte abrazo.

20 de mayo de 2023

Fenomenal. Me gustaría poder hacer más para que llueva.

25 de mayo de 2023

Hola Ismael, te invitamos a unirte a nuestro grupo de Telegram donde compartimos resultados visibles de Zonas Bien Orgonizadas, con cielos VIVOS, lluvias, ríos corriendo el agua… Un abrazo.

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Indoor Cloudbuster Deluxe, 3G, 4G and 5G PROTECTION can be placed inside your home.

  • Recommended for lounges and large rooms.
  • It should not be placed in bedrooms (since it has a lot of Orgonic energy) and its wide radius of action.
  • It gives you 85% protection against 5G.
  • Indoor Cloudbuster DELUXE, 3G, 4G and 5G PROTECTION.
  • With 4 copper tubes of 20 cm and 22 mm. in diameter and in the center of the tubes, to enhance it, it has a diamond pyramid orgonite.
  • Weight 1,200 kg.
  • With a radius of action of 380 meters and a height of 1,000 metres.


Wilhelm Reich coined the word Orgone. Orgone Energy is a PRIMORDIAL COSMIC ENERGY, free of mass and that flows through each organism as a vital force. Rewich observed the same principle in the formation of galaxies as at the cellular level. When this energy is blocked in the human being, it manifests as muscular tension (armor) and he called it Dead Orgone (DOR).

Although Reich discovered Orgone energy in the human body, he later learned through observation and experimentation that it exists freely in the atmosphere. Thus he crossed the border of biology and entered atmospheric and meteorological physics with the ORANUR experiment and his studies of control of climatic conditions.

An invention of Reich’s was the classic cloudbuster and he demonstrated the operation of DOR in the formation of deserts and developed a method to disperse concentrations by rooting them in large bodies of water. And lastly, he discovered the cosmic function of the Orgone energy in the Universe entering Astronomy and Astrophysics.

The Cloudbuster DELUXE is made up of a block of Orgonite, four 20 cm high copper tubes that are fixed inside and a piece of quartz in each tube. In the center of the Orgonite, it has a diamond pyramid.

The pyramids are found in most ancient cultures around the world, and have served to capture and condense cosmic energy and bring it to earth, especially for environments where many people outside the home circulate, such as businesses, which maintains a gradual and prolonged cleaning.

Orgone energy is attracted to certain geometries that make up the fundamental patterns with which energy moves in the universe.

The Cloudbuster DELUXE PROTECTS US FROM 3G, 4G and 5G, it is extremely powerful, it will completely disable geopathic stress, it will neutralize electromagnetic radiation and it will totally protect you.

It is an extremely powerful energy generator, it will clean your space energetically and you will feel revitalized, calm…..

  • Turn negative energy into positive
  • Re-vitalize the atmosphere
  • Relieve insomnia, provide a more restful sleep and help avoid nightmares
  • increase your intuition
  • Improve productivity at work
  • Strengthen creativity
  • Balance – reconcile the energy within our body
  • Enforce the recovery and healing process
  • Improve our mood.
  • Protects us from other people’s negative thoughts and energy
  • Promote plant growth
  • Neutralize electromagnetic radiation and protect ourselves