Base Water Fountain 5G Protection and Orgonite Waterfall – Electronite

190.00$ 210.00$ + VAT Oferta

Base Water Fountain 5G Protection and Orgonite Waterfall – Electronite

THE FIRST SOURCE IN THE WORLD composed of a 5G protection base with orgonite water fall, aluminum shavings or electronite.

Orgone Energy + 5G Protection.


All sources are made by hand. A meticulous process that requires several steps to reach the final result. It is made up of 2 pieces (Base and Water Fall) made exclusively with aluminum shavings Orgonite or Electronite and a small electric motor to move the water from the base generating a closed circuit. The motor is sent together with the source as a gift and exempt from warranty.

Decoration is not included.


  • 5G protection: Maximum protection.
  • Earth action radius (radius): 43 meters.
  • Air action radius (height): 45 meters
  • Dimensions: 18.5 cm in diameter X 19 cm in height approximately.
  • Weight: 1,900 gr. approximately.

Does not include VAT or shipping costs.

Base Water Fountain 5G Protection and Orgonite Waterfall – Electronite
190.00$ 210.00$ + VAT
*** Legal Disclaimer: Orgonites-electronites, 5G.6G shielding products or any other products made by Orgonitasonline are not designed to treat or cure any disease or health condition, or create any specific change in your health . Cloudbusters of any size or format do not guarantee rain or changes in the weather.Any statement in customer reviews relates only to that person, and the results of using our products will vary from person to person. ***
Base Water Fountain 5G Protection and Orgonite Waterfall – Electronite
190.00$ 210.00$ + VAT

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All sources are made by hand. A meticulous process that requires several steps to reach the final result. It is made up of 2 pieces (Base and Water Fall) made exclusively with aluminum shavings Orgonite or Electronite and a small electric motor to move the water from the base generating a closed circuit. The motor is sent together with the source as a gift and exempt from warranty.

Decoration is not included.


Each product manufactured at orgonitasonline is sent to an external company with no ties of any kind to us (neither financial nor emotional) and which has more than 35 years of experience in testing. The tests are carried out with different techniques for weeks or months depending on the product.

Excellent way to protect you and yours, your business, home, meeting room, gym, yoga center, reiki…


  • 5G protection: Maximum protection.
  • Earth action radius (radius): 43 meters.
  • Air action radius (height): 45 meters

Comparative Table Radius of Action of Water Sources


Water source Radius Height 5G protection
5G Water Fountain 50 m. 60 m. Maximum
Orgonite-Electronite Water Fountain 26 m. 41 m. ———-
Orgonite-Electronite Base Fountain and Water Fall 5G Protection 44 m. 50 m. Maximum
Base Fountain 5G Protection and Orgonite-Electronite Waterfall 43 m. 45 m. Maximum

The water pressure can be adjusted through the tab that the motor brings.


What are Orgonites – Electronites?

In summary, they are Electro-magnetic Energy Filters that trap and cancel the harmful energy that enters (also called D.O.R.) and is converted into positive energy through piezoelectricity (a set of electrical phenomena that manifest in some bodies subjected to pressure or other action mechanics) of quartz or tourmalines.

Dr. Wilhelm Reich is the point of reference in this field who studied the energy present in nature, which he named “ORGON“. An energy that is neither electric nor magnetic, but although it is not visible to the human eye, its effect is noticeable due to being in permanent contact with life, having great affinity with the liquid states of matter (H2O). It is known that it emits a bluish color, it goes through any material, it is a background radiant energy, zero point. We know that ORGON energy manifests itself through pulsations of 2 cycles: expansion and contraction present throughout the cycle of life.

How do they work?

First of all, it must be clarified that an Orgonite itself is not an ORGON energy accumulator. There are two types of energies: a positive one, which is ordered energy, like the natural energy of the environment; and another negative, which is this energy excited by electromagnetic radiation from high voltage towers, cell phones, televisions, computers, microwaves, etc. People also influence environmental orgone through their moods and emotions.

It works in the following way:

The resin attracts the D.O.R. (produced with the conglomeration of Antenna Towers, TV, Radio…) from the environment and stores it, like a sponge, while metal tends to bring it in and repel it simultaneously. This creates a chaotic state inside the device, the molecules move in all directions at the same time, and when said negative energy comes out of it, expelled by the metal through the resin, it does so in an orderly manner, since this united is a crystalloid substance – a crystal is by definition an ordered form, and that is why chaotic energy is ordered when passing through quartz because it has piezoelectric capacity; or ability to produce electricity when subjected to pressure (vibration). When included in an organic matrix (from sugar to polymers) in the presence of metal shavings, it is capable of acting as an electromodulatory or stabilizing element. Something like a filter for all types of radiation. The resin retains this energy inside, making it easier for the quartz to do its job. It is then when the quartz compressed by the resin generates a flow of electrons (piezoelectric quality) that add to the devitalized wave, converting it into positive energy or P.O.R.

Quartz has a resonant effect, which returns and recalls the frequency of terrestrial alignment, as if we had a tuner for our energy field.

It is therefore that Orgonites or Electronites can be considered as “energy filters” or “transmuters of negative energy into positive”.

The (Orgonites) help us to get rid of the harmful energy produced by harmful electromagnetic devices and conflicting states of mind. It is well known that a large number of pathologies that are diagnosed today, many of which are articular, are largely due to the progressive decrease of the Earth’s magnetic field and the electromagnetic pollution that we suffer, in addition to the current lifestyle of the society.

Therefore the “Orgonite” takes advantage of the latest advances in Orgonic physics, being able to trap negative energies instead of us receiving all their non-living potential for our health.

Natural Orgonite is a very powerful tool to reverse pollution in the atmosphere, soil and especially in water.