Orientation, Maintenance and Empowerment of Cloudbusters

7 de febrero de 2023

Taking into account the weather forecasts that we can check in advance from our phone or specialized pages such as https://www.windy.com/ or https://www.foreca.es/, basically the cloudbuster depending on our objective to achieve , we can have it oriented in 2 positions:

  • To the East
  • To West

To the east, to clear and when we want to avoid torrential rains, hail…

We can use a compass or, failing that, that of the mobile phone to orient our cloudbuster, being the east the position in which we must orient it when we want to clear or the forecast is for torrential rains, strong storms, hail… We must take into account that in In the event that we have more than one cloudbuster or in the area of action of ours there is another oriented in the opposite position (west in this case) it is likely that the effect can be cancelled.

To the west, we look for rain.

To the west we look for the formation of rains. As in the previous case with more than one cloudbuster in the action area of yours, if they are in opposite positions (yours points to the west and another to the east) the effects sought could be cancelled.

What do we do with the cloudbuster ground wire?

This cable, whose tip is bare, must either be connected to the ground of your home, which must have the proper ground connection installation, or you can stick it into the ground itself if you have placed the cloudbuster in the field, garden… . or a pot with soil if, for example, you have it on a balcony or small terrace.

How to clean or maintain our cloudbuster?

Inside each cloudbuster’s copper tube is a quartz crystal whose tips point upwards. It is a good habit that when we notice saturated or every month or so we do a cleaning of the quartz. Taking care not to break them, we will overturn the cloudbuster to remove the quartz from the tubes and we will clean them by putting them in water and later leaving them in the sun for 2 to 3 hours. Again we will introduce them into each tube carefully and in the same position, that is, with the tips pointing to the sky and we can put our cloudbuster to work again.

How to enhance our cloudbuster?

There are 3 things we can do to enhance the effect we are looking for from our cloudbusters:

  1. Put it in a basin with water which should cover the orgonite base of the cloudbuster.
  2. Tilt the cloudbuster between 45º and 60º, which we will achieve by resting the cloud on the water basin itself.
  3. Create movement in the water with a fish tank motor powered by electricity or solar panels.

Visible results from well ORGONized areas.

The bees, the birds will appear again… life! Skies of an intense blue, clean… natural clouds, in 3D.

Copyright. Videos and watermarked images are owned by orgonitasonline.com and are copyrighted. Thanks for respecting.

MORE VIDEOS on Well ORGON-ized areas. Orgone up..

Comentarios 0

Nara Castejon.
Nara Castejon.

Me parece muy muy interesante.
Le daré vueltas a ver cual pido.

Estoy interesada en los colgantes de protección personal.

¡Muchas gracias por la informacion, Juani!

15 de marzo de 2023

Buenas tardes Nara:
Estamos a su disposición para cualquier duda.
Un placer☺️

18 de marzo de 2023
Hilda Pérez silva
Hilda Pérez silva

Soy de Chile cómo adquiero 1 cloudbuster y a q valor??

4 de abril de 2023

Hola, por favor ponte en contacto por whatsapp, telegram.. con el teléfono de España +34652246619 o a través del e-mail info@orgonitasonline.net para poderte atender correctamente. Gracias.

4 de abril de 2023

Tengo en casa un cloudbuster suyo que me regaló una amiga precioso lo quiero orientar al oeste para que llueva,llevamos mucho tiempo sin lluvia. Mi pregunta es .
Justo al oeste tengo una pared de ladrillo funcionará igualmente? Gracias.

14 de abril de 2023

Buenos días Marisol:
Es usted tan amable de comunicarse por WhatsApp o Telegram al teléfono 652246619 y mandarnos una foto para que nosotros le podamos orientar mejor☺️.
Muchas gracias

15 de abril de 2023
Eva Trigo
Eva Trigo

Hola Juani, al meter en el barreño el clou que os compré e inclinarlo en él al oeste, se me queda muy bajo… el patio está rodeado de valla y el edifico de la casa y tendría que poner algo dentro del barreño para que se quede menos inclinado y no tenga obstáculos… qué invento puedo hacer para conseguirlo

29 de abril de 2023

Hola Eva qué tal😊:
Puede hablarme por privado y así me envía foto de la colocación y vemos cómo lo podemos hacer.
Muchas gracias.

29 de abril de 2023
What are the CloudBuster? | 5G protection | Cloud Buster | Orgonites | Electronites

[…] Orientation, Maintenance and Empowerment of the Cloudbuster or Rompe Nubes. […]

7 de junio de 2023

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